Starts Today!
This photo captures the movement of stars around the north celestial pole over several hours. The North Star is in the center. Courtesy of NASA/Preston Dyches Learn how to find the North Star in the night
Telling the old stories is a way of remembering what sustained our ancestors and the rest of our human family, author Renda Dionne Madrigal reminds us. Reaching deep into the past offers ways of regaining ourselves in the present.
Today, Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2023, from 1 to 2 pm, we'll start exploring her Mindful Family Guidebook with her.
Throughout time, the North Star has always been that one star that we can rely on, in the night sky, to help us find our way. An ancestral Indigenous story about the North Star will shine us on our way.
DETAILS: For one hour (1-2 pm), once a month (every first Wednesday starting Dec. 6, 2023), explore with author Renda Dionne Madrigal, The Mindful Family Guidebook: Reconnect with Spirit, Nature, and the People You Love. Find insight and inspiration in more than 80 fun, creative, and profound activities that draw on traditional Native stories and Indigenous circle practices. FREE. In person (127 N. San Gorgonio Ave., Banning 92220) or ONLINE via Zoom. For a link, RSVP HERE.
About: Author Renda Dionne Madrigal, PhD. (Turtle Mountain Chippewa) is a licensed clinical psychologist who combines mindfulness techniques with medicine found in traditional storytelling, to help people regain balance in their lives.
The program is co-sponsored by Morongo Empowerment Program, which works to end violence among families and helps them heal, and the 501(c)3 nonprofit Dorothy Ramon Learning Center, which saves and shares Southern California Native American cultures, languages, history, and traditional arts. This program is supported by a federal grant awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice.
More info: Insight and Inspiration
Coming Sunday!
Director Ernest Siva rehearses with the Pass Chorale, a community chorus he has long led. (Pat Murkland Photo).
Along with his extensive knowledge of traditional Indigenous music, our Elder Ernest Siva (Cahuilla-Serrano), president of Dorothy Ramon Learning Center, has been sharing his amazing talents in classical music for many years with the greater community.
As director of the Pass Chorale and Orchestra, Ernest Siva and his wife, June, our Center vice president and a Chorale soprano, always choose multi-cultural anthems and songs along with a classical masterwork to share. This concert scheduled on Sunday, December 10, 2023, again offers a beautiful blend of voices and music.
You get to sing, too! A longtime favorite part of the Christmas concert is when the audience joins the Pass Chorale and Orchestra in a Carol Sing-along.
June Siva writes, “The featured work is Magnificat, by J.S. Bach. This is Mary’s song when she knows she will bear God’s Son. This composition for five-part chorus, soloists, and orchestra is a challenge to learn and wonderful to sing! Soloists are Penny Quinn, soprano, Lynn Ivey mezzo-soprano, Peter Tupou, tenor, and Erick Ramirez, Bass.
“But wait, there’s more! There are two beautiful anthems by Banning composer Bill Bell, a Spanish carol arranged by Director Ernest Siva, and a Hebrew song, “Ose Shalom,” which is a cry for peace.
“There will be other anthems and our traditional Carol Sing-along. Chorale, Orchestra, and Audience all make music together.
“This concert is funded in part by a grant from Creative Corps, part of the California Arts Council. We are grateful for this support.”
Members of the Pass Chorale have been rehearsing for several months for the concert. (Pat Murkland Photo)
DETAILS: Pass Chorale Celebration of Christmas
Sunday, December 10, 2023, 2:30 pm
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, 1320 W. Williams St., Banning, CA 92220
Admission: Adults, $20; Students and Seniors, $15
Center leaders Ernest and June Siva and Editor Pat Murkland thank you for supporting the 501c3 nonprofit Dorothy Ramon Learning Center, saving and sharing Native American cultures for more than two decades. As always, thanks for reading, sharing, and subscribing to News from Dorothy Ramon Learning Center, your FREE online newsletter. We welcome your ideas and contributions. PLEASE EMAIL. Dec. 6, 2023.